The Barn News – January 2022
The Barn is now closed until spring 2022. Building work has begun on creating a new home for our farm kitchen! Thank you again to everyone who supported us last year and at Christmas. It was a sad...
Christmas Orders & Opening Hours 2021
Welcome! We thought we'd put together a little post with all the good-to-know tips and advice for ordering with us this Christmas. As we did last year, all our Christmas orders are placed online. We...
As summer gets into the swing of things, we are following suit and gearing up for another alfresco season! We learned a lot last year and spending as much time out in the fresh air as we possibly...
The biggest news for this month is that we have welcomed guests back into The Barn again for breakfast and lunch! We managed to open just for a couple of weeks in October before the second lockdown...
Easter Opening Hours
Our Opening Hours for Easter 2021 are as follows: Good Friday 9 am - 5:30 pm (The Barn is open for takeaway until 8 pm, order here) Easter Saturday 9am - 4pm Easter Sunday 9 am - 4 pm Easter Monday...
It was hard to see past the doom and gloom of January. Another national lockdown, grey skies, storms, a flurry of snow and more than enough rain thank you very much. There is, however, a definite...
Christmas & New Year Opening Times
We're heading towards the end of quite a year here at Hartley and indeed for everyone. Thank you to everyone for your support through the year and for your Christmas orders. Our order book is now...
The Perks of a Local Christmas
As a farmer and a food lover, I'm a firm believer that when it comes to meat, in particular, eat local where you can, but always eat British. We are a nation built on the solid and rich heritage of...
Christmas Orders Now Open!
'Tis the Season Christmas will be a little different this year but rest assured our intentions remain the same, to bring people together over the best local and seasonal food. We are so proud and...
The Barn is now open! The Barn is now home for our farm kitchen. If we’ve learned one thing this year it is to stay nimble and not plan too far ahead! However, we knew that returning to the previous...
With beautiful misty mornings and woodsmoke hanging in the evening air, we’ve well and truly landed in autumn. Despite a mini-heatwave for a couple of weeks in this month, the nights are certainly...
August has brought with it searing, stifling heat to top off what has been an excellent summer, and we certainly needed it. Not just to put a spring in our step with all the doom and gloom of the...
The Garden Kitchen at Hartley Farm
With the news at the start of July that cafes can reopen, we got our thinking hats on to see what we could do to make this summer a special one for everyone as we move into our new normal. We love...
If you’ve been up to the farm shop over the last few weeks, you’ll see the calves at Hartley Farm have been the main focus of attention for us on the farm. Our calving season has now finished on the...
The New Normal
We’re almost at the stage where we’ve begun to find some rhythm and dare I say it, routine in our day’s work. Which in recent times, means it is time for another government announcement to shake it...